Making Friends.

Friday, September 04, 2009 | |

Day 245

Day 244

Day 243

Sometimes I wish my group of friends were the cast from Seinfeld and "How I Met Your Mother." They always seem to be having a good time and I don't believe I have seen them start drama with one another. I feel what I'm lacking in my life are a few good relationships with either boys or girls. I am trying to get to know people but I've noticed that I'm very picky when it comes to the people I let into my life. I have my reasons and I won't sit here and deny that I don't know what those reason are. Last night I was working on my internship homework until 3:30am. I couldn't think of any objectives for my goal and I was stuck with four objectives when we're suppose to have five. I'm really not "feeling" this internship and I wish I didn't have to do this. I know I'm suppose to be making the best of it, but I feel like I'm just doing this to do it. I just hope it gets better over time. I'm really excited for this weekend because it's a three day weekend. Tonight I decided to play with my camera and light sources to create images. I really like the effect, looks like something is standing on my bed. Speaking of bed, it's time for me to sleep.


[¯Ô¯]njoy said...

I'm glad you took time to experiment with what your camera can do! The result is beautiful.