I Shouldn't Be Here.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 | |

Day 238

Day 237

Day 236

Day 235

Day 234

Day 233

Day 232

I'll write more when I feel like it. There's some things I would like to catch up on. I will say this though, this is the first week of fall semester. It is time to start the countdown to graduation. It's finally time for me to leave college and I feel incomplete. I feel like I'm not doing what I really love. I've changed so much. I've grown and I've tried different things. My internship isn't helping me feel prepared, I feel lost and my mom can't help by just sympathizing. I choose to do things based on emotion when really I should start thinking with my head.


[¯Ô¯]njoy said...

Days 232 and 236 are nice macro shots. Sad birdy photo, though.

No one - and especially no thing like said intership - can make you prepared (or make you anything for that matter). All that you are is what you choose to be. And you are not on a time schedule for personal growth - if you feel you're not doing what you love right now, just realize that graduation is not going to make your future permanent in your current field. Eat some of that soy dessert and perk up! I'll give you a call next week when I'm all moved in.